25 Game of Thrones characters that bring more fire than ice

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Viserys Targaryen

Is it cool to hit a woman? Is it cool to be absolutely rude and entitled? Absolutely not.

We’re going to simply rank Viserys on looks and looks alone, and pretend his entire personality doesn’t exist. While only on the show for a short while, his evil nature was made very clear.

Marrying off his sister to try and “save his family,” Viserys doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He wants to make sure he is secure in his life, and if it means hurting Daenerys, then so be it. So to find him slightly attractive is disturbing, to say the least.

But if he just stands there and doesn’t really speak? Okay, then we can look at this very tall man with luscious blonde locks and tell ourselves that he’s hot. Because really, if Viserys weren’t a terrible human being, he’d be pretty good looking.

Then again, he slaps his sister across the face because she invites him to dinner, so can we really feel anything but hatred for him? If you ignore everything about Viserys and just pretend like he’s a sweet dude with long pretty hair, you’ll be thirsting away.

Just don’t let him speak to you.