In Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Deke’s parentage has finally come to light, both to the audience and the character. So how long until he spills the beans?
Agents of SHIELD gave us one heck of a reveal two episodes ago regarding Deke’s parentage and what everyone guessed: (Spoilers below.)
Deke is FitzSimmons’ grandson.
It was a coy little way of doing it, too, having Deke pick out Simmons’ wedding ring and remarking about how similar it was to his mother’s that she got from her mother.
But in this most recent episode, Deke’s mother showed up as a ghost from the fear dimension and gave one of her patented phrases her mother always told her…
Which he then hears Simmons tell Elena later on in the episode.
It turns him back into a little kid, this realization that he’s now friends with his own grandparents. Plus the whole actually being on Earth and there’s a sky and outdoors and sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. Why shouldn’t he act like a kid?
All that being said, by the end of this episode, he’s already calling Fitz “Grandpa” under his breath.
How long until he tells them the truth?
My bet is two episodes. It won’t be this week — some sort of major event will distract the whole team, calling them into action, and it will slip from Deke’s mind.
But the episode after that? Have him casually refer to Simmons as Grandma and see how the team reacts.
Because that will definitely explode in everyone’s faces. I’m still wondering if Deke isn’t the change in the time loop they needed. Maybe his reveal will be proof that things have changed.
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If anything, it will at least give the team something positive to focus on, rather than Coulson’s impending doom.