“Agents of SHIELD” is back from its hiatus! Don’t miss a moment of this week’s action. Find the best places to stream it online
With the Olympics behind us, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is back in action this week! And I don’t think it’ll be taking a break anytime soon with still half a season’s worth of episodes to power through before the end of May. (May the month, not May the character.)
Regardless, it’s been a month since our SHIELD compatriots have graced our televisions. Where did we leave them?
You know, just reassembling the Monolith and launching everyone back to the present day. The present day where SHIELD is a bunch of wanted criminals. Mostly Daisy, for shooting General Talbot point-blank and sending him into a coma.
Plus, you know, Daisy’s the one who quakes the world apart. She’s got a lot on her plate going back into the present day, but she’s not doing it of her own free will. Don’t forget–Coulson shot her with an ICER and is bringing her back because he needs her. And they all need to help save him… again.
The official synopsis for this week’s episode, in case you missed it:
"Coulson and team set out to rewrite the course of humanity’s fate, but they’re unaware that their efforts will dramatically change one S.H.I.E.L.D agent’s life."
So what SHIELD agent do you think it is? My gut wants to say Fitz, but it might be Coulson. Since, you know, he has that weird infection thing going on that no one knows about.
Here are all the details you need to watch Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD online:
"Date: Friday, March 2Time: 9 p.m. ESTEpisode: “All the Comforts of Home”Channel: ABCLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD airs new episodes on Fridays at 9 p.m. ET. Stay tuned for recaps and analysis of every new episode right here on Culturess.