Avengers: Infinity War: Don’t worry, War Machine has all his shoulder gear

The thing about War Machine is that he has a lot of shoulder gear. And don’t worry, his new look for Infinity War includes all the details.

The last we saw of War Machine wasn’t the best for him. Rhodey fell during the battle in Captain America: Civil War, and we saw him in physical therapy at the end of the movie. Already, we’ve seen in the trailer that War Machine is back and ready to help the Avengers take on Thanos.

But with a new T-shirt to help promote the movie (and a hat tip to CBR), it is clear that even he got a new update to his suit.

Basically he has just more intense shoulder gear to make him look even more intimidating as he joins Tony Stark and the rest of his friends.

While we don’t know where the relationship between Cap and Tony stands, we at least know that the majority of the Avengers are on the same side. But then again, maybe that is part of the movie. There is so much that happened in Civil War that we have to figure out where all of the Avengers stand with each other.

And talking about standing, can Rhodey walk on his own? Or is his suit going to help him walk? We’ll have to wait and see what happens in the movie since we don’t really know what is happening for him and Tony (they didn’t reveal too much in Spider-Man: Homecoming).

Until then, we can just speculate what we think all of the Avengers will do in Infinity War. For now, we know that War Machine is going to have quite the journey for us to see and we’re excited about it.

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You can see Avengers: Infinity War out in theaters this May 4. And believe us, this is going to be a crazy movie that you definitely don’t want to miss.