15 times we actively rooted against love

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Jessica Jones and Luke Cage — Jessica Jones 

I will admit to having ambivalent feelings about this. I’ve written about this couple in the past as something I’m kind of into, but I might be actively changing my mind. Yes, they are one of the most badass couples around, and they are two of the absolutely most gorgeous human specimens. And together they could probably dominate the entire universe, saving us from all manner of evil and destruction.

But to root for them to stay together is also rooting for their probable self-destruction. Sure, they make the world a safer place for the rest of us, but they are terrible for each other. Physically, they could do some real harm to themselves and their immediate vicinity. I know they are both mostly indestructible, but when they turn up the heat, things could get pretty dicey. And by dicey, I mean dangerous and calamitous.

Aside from the physically endangering aspect of their potential relationship, they are both emotional train wrecks. There is so much baggage between the two of them, I’m amazed either can even see over it. She would inevitably do something to hurt him and break his already tender heart. Jessica Jones is one tough cookie, and she doesn’t seem the “let’s talk it over” type. She would absolutely sabotage that relationship until Luke had no other recourse but to leave.

This would crush her, obviously, because she secretly thought he might be the one. She would participate in a lot of heavy drinking and high risk behavior and it would only drive him further away. I can’t get on board with something that would potentially cause so much pain.