Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 10 live stream: Watch online

Don’t miss the newest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD before its mini hiatus for the month of February. Here’s where you can watch online.

Yes, you read that correctly: Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD won’t air in February aside from tonight’s episode. I wouldn’t want to compete with the Winter Olympics, would you?

So Agents of SHIELD’s next new episode will air on March 2 and we’ll have three weeks to waste until we get the resolution to whatever cliffhanger they give us this episode.

Granted, when they wrote episodes, they probably didn’t know exactly when they would air. So it theoretically shouldn’t be any worse of a cliffhanger than normal right?


In case you missed it, here’s the official synopsis for this week’s episode:

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has one final chance to return to our timeline, but their actions may have deadly consequences"

Okay so my theory in our preview post about a Grant Ward in Kasius’s arsenal doesn’t actually sound so crazy now that I look at the title of this week’s episode. “Past Life”? Are we talking someone who’s already lived once? Kasius’s life back with his father and brother?

Or are we talking an alternate timeline version of one of our SHIELD compatriots? That wouldn’t be incredibly farfetched either. But which one? Daisy seems too on the nose, though if it’s Yo-Yo, that wouldn’t be incredibly surprising. And it wouldn’t be Simmons or Fitz, as Kasius would have recognized them off the bat.

That leaves Coulson, May, and Mack.

Here are all the details you need to watch Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD online:

"Date: Friday, Feb. 2Time: 9 p.m. ESTEpisode: “Past Life”Channel: ABCLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"

Next: Watch TV Online

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD airs new episodes on Fridays at 9 p.m. ET. Stay tuned for recaps and analysis of every new episode right here on Culturess.