Riverdale season 2 episode 12 live stream: Watch online

Riverdale brings back some faves, and it might be okay. Here’s everything you need to know about the Riverdale season 2 episode 12 live stream and how to watch online.

Ready those notepads, Riverdale nation, because things are about to get tricky. There’s so much going on in this episode, you will need to consult your notes, for sure.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Riverdale season 2 episode 12 live stream and how to watch it online.

It looks like Veronica might get confirmed, and by the way, Veronica is a practicing Catholic now. Couple this with the completely unholy alliance between Hiram and Archie, and I am going to need all the showers in the world to feel less dirty.

Positioning Veronica as the good little Catholic when she’s doing a little of underhanded stuff feels gross all around. And then there’s her weird dad.  Last week Hiram is inappropriately wrestling a leotard-clad Archie to the ground, and this week Archie is playing double agent as his intern. What could go wrong?

If that’s the weird, unsettling news, the exciting news is that it seems like we might get a little Dark Betty in tonight’s episode. Riverdale has been ramping toward a full-on Betty breakdown, and Chic is all the catalyst she needs to don that black wig and break out the whip. Could it be because of this brief Bughead reunion or do we exclusively blame her dysfunctional family?

Jughead and FP are teaming up to take care of this pesky Northside turf war, and all I want is more FP. FP all day. FP in his Pop’s uniform. FP in his Serpents jacket. FP being father of the year. More, more, more. This father/son duo better get on the same page, because Penny is back, and I’m pretty sure she’s holding a grudge against Jughead. After all, he did kidnap her and mutilate her a little bit.

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa himself promises a big night, tweeting that we better stick around for the last few moments. Like I would change the channel the last few seconds anyway.

I’m sticking around to watch every last second of this show, whether I like it or not. Hopefully we’ll all like. it.

"Date: Wednesday, Jan. 31Start time: 8 p.m. ETEpisode: “Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked and The Divine”TV Channel: The CWLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"

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You can also catch season 1 on Netflix, or the last few episodes of season 2 on The CW website or app.