The Assassination of Gianni Versace: Is it Italian enough?

In a show about Gianni Versace, you’d think it would have all the Italian goodness we’d want and more. But honestly, that’s really the only downfall.

A show about Gianni Versace would beg to be the Italian dream show we’ve always wanted right? Well, surprisingly, it isn’t very Italian. As someone who grew up in an Italian household with a mother who was obsessed with the fashion industry, this show focuses more on the Miami vibe of Versace’s life rather than his Italian roots.

Now in the shows defense, I think Donatella is where we’re going to get the Italian flairwe know and love. She was only featured for a brief moment in the pilot so we still have more to learn about her. But as someone who loves Versace and his connection to Italy, it is a little disappointing.

It isn’t exactly surprising, though: it is a Ryan Murphy show. Half of the time he wants flair and extravagance rather than accuracy. For instance, Ricky Martin is about ten years older than Antonio D’Amico was at the time of Versace’s death.

Actually, most of the actors chosen are older than the characters they’re portraying at the time of the incident with the exception of Édgar Ramírez, who is playing 50 year old Gianni Versace when he is only 40.

At the end of the day, I’m fascinated by this story and the actors they’ve chosen. Do I wish it had more of that Italian flair I grew up with and loved about Versace in the first place? Of course. But still, it is an incredible show with a killer cast (literally) so you win some, you lose some.

Next: The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story season premiere review

Check back here on Culturess for more news on American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace as the show airs. We’ll have recaps and more!