Harry Potter and 2018: What are you Potter inspired resolutions?


New Year’s Eve always brings up the topic of resolutions but what do the Harry Potter fans have this year? We’re talking our Potter resolutions for all of 2018!

Harry Potter is coming back in a big way for 2018. We’re getting Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Crimes of Grindelwald. So what are most Potter fans making their resolutions this year?

Well, the answer varies. But here are some suggestions if you’re still looking for that New Year’s Resolution that is going to kick your butt in gear.

One: Get in shape to our run the Death Eaters. Unfortunately, most of us are muggles though we want to be witches and wizards. So why not work towards getting yourself ready to outrun all those evil wizards out there?

Two: Read more about the history of magic. Yeah, we have loved this series for years but there is always more to learn. So make it a goal in 2018 to read more about the world that Harry and his friends live in!

Three: Tell the ones you love that you love them while you have the chance. Something that has stuck with most of us Potter fans is that you never know when you’ll lose someone. So spend 2018 telling everyone you have in your life that you love them while you can.

Spread love and happiness throughout the year, not hatred. There’s enough of that in the world already so go out there and be the best that you can be. For Harry, he’d want that.

Next: James Potter and Sirius Black: Favorite friend duos we love to talk about

Do you have your New Year’s Resolution already set? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what your plans are this coming year!