Every week, we praise our Man Crush Monday. And this week, buckle in because we’re talking about Sebastian Stan and those beautiful eyes.
Man Crush Monday is a wonderful tradition here at Culturess. We look at pretty men and we praise them. This week is special because we’re talking about one of the sweetest boys. I mean, we’re talking about Sebastian Stan.
Now, look I’ve met some celebrities in my time in New York City and I’ve never seen someone try so hard to make his fans happy as Sebastian does. He continually takes his time, wanting everyone to get their time and a picture with him and a lot of the time it ends up in a mob (I know, I’ve been a part of two of them now).
This story is just sweet. So they decided to have two Q&A sessions for I, Tonya in NYC but Sebastian and co-star Paul W. Hauser (another gem of a man) decided to go to the screenings all day long to surprise fans. How amazing is that?
Well, when I saw Sebastian, he was waiting outside the theater and talking to people going in. He was taking pictures, hugging fans and just being generally very nice. And he did it in the screening too! (Which tends to lead into the mobs that happen because then everyone wants a picture with him.)
Luckily, he stopped for everyone and it ended up in lots of happy fans. Including myself, which means I got a picture with Sebastian Stan that I can now use as a “oh no, I have a boyfriend, see?” in awkward situations.
This pictures looks like Sebastian Stan and I have known each other for years and were so happy to see each other pic.twitter.com/4AIFSudXpz
— Rachel Leishman (@RachelLeishman) December 9, 2017
Next: I, Tonya: Sebastian Stan’s costumes make it all worth it
So go out there and support I, Tonya and the work SebStan put into it. The movie is incredible, he does some incredible stuff and he’s pulling off a gross mustache like no one else.