Eleven Stands by Her Man — Stranger Things
Eleven is a force to be reckoned with, as we’ve all seen in the two seasons of Stranger Things. She is fiercely protective over her friends, especially Mike, and she will go to great lengths to make sure he’s safe and away from harm.
Early in the first season, Lucas was still skeptical of Eleven and her intentions, and he was reluctant to accept her into the group. For a brief moment, Mike and Eleven split from Lucas, but when they meet up in the car yard, Lucas is angry and he and Mike argue. Eleven doesn’t care for this kind of conflict, and she flips out on Lucas, using her telekinesis to toss him into the air and across the yard. He bangs his head and passes out.
This is super scary for everybody because nobody really knows what Eleven’s deal is quite yet, and this little outburst could have spelled bad news for everybody. Thankfully, Lucas turns out to be okay and he and Eleven go on to be super good friends.
Meltdowns always have the potential to be dangerous, but if you add in supernatural powers and a young woman with very little interpersonal awareness or social experience, it becomes lethal. Lucas learns this the hard way when he and Mike argue, and Eleven takes Mike’s side against him.