Will Smith and Carlton Banks — The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Most feuds are born out of differences and these cousins couldn’t be farther apart in personalities. Will comes to live with Carlton’s family when he gets into trouble in his South Philadelphia neighborhood. In order to keep him safe, his mother sends him to live in Bel Air with his uncle. There is a major culture clash at first, as Will is originally from a lower-middle class family in a poorer neighborhood than the Banks family.
Will is annoyed at Carlton’s self-serving nature. He finds Carlton’s sucking up to be one of his worst attributes, but he often teases him about his height and bad luck with women. Both boys are terribly selfish and bothersome in their own ways, so together they clash in a big way.
Carlton always takes the side or approach that will solely benefit him or improve his image, importance or ego and this makes the people in his life frustrated, especially Will. Will teases him about his entitlement and rich-kid attitude, and Carlton never misses an opportunity to deride Will’s lack of experience or worldliness.
Carlton’s sisters, Hillary and Ashley, get along with Will a lot better than he does, and the other three gang up on him a lot. Sometimes he deserves is, using his wealth as an excuse for his bad behavior and lack of compassion. The two ultimately find some common ground, but Carlton never stops taking his father’s side in all matters, making him more like a sycophant than a friend.