Supergirl season 3 premiere live stream: Watch online

How will Kara move on after Mon-El’s departure? We gathered all the information you need to follow tonight’s premiere of Supergirl season 3.

Season 2 of Supergirl ended on a rather down note. True, our intrepid heroes prevented National City from being overrun by Daxamites. But their victory forced Kara to relinquish what she then believed was her best hope for a “normal” human life.

Of course, we don’t expect Kara to mope for long. After all, this is a superhero show: there are always bad guys to thwart. So, what’s next? We have a synopsis of the season 3 premiere, titled “Girl of Steel”, courtesy of Supergirl Radio:

"DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF YOU — Kara (Melissa Benoist) deals with the loss of Mon-El (Chris Wood) by focusing all her energy on being Supergirl and the mysterious new threat against National City. Alex (Chyler Leigh) confesses a secret to Maggie (guest star Floriana Lima) about their impending nuptials. A citizen of National City has a mysterious connection to Kara, and Lena (Katie McGrath) makes a bold move."

Last week, showrunner Andrew Kreisberg hinted to Entertainment Weekly that this season deals with the idea of humanity. What does it mean to be human? It makes sense, a natural progression from the previous seasons. Season 1 showed Kara coming into her own as a Kryptonite on Earth, while season 2 showed her struggling to balance her dual identities. Unfortunately, season 2 was less successful at dramatizing its heroine’s inner turmoil, which might make season 3 a bit tricky. But Supergirl, like Supergirl, can handle a challenge.

If anything, we’re more worried about Alex. Floriana Lima only has a recurring role in season 3, which means one of two things. One, Alex and Maggie break up (or the latter dies, though we think the show knows better than to fall for that trope). Two, Alex and Maggie’s relationship gets even further sidelined. Frankly, we’d prefer the first option.

Find details on how to watch the Supergirl season premiere below:

"Date: Monday, Oct. 9Start time: 8 p.m. ESTEpisode: “Girl of Steel”TV Channel: The CWLive Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2"

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Jesse Warn directs from a teleplay by Robert Rovner and Caitlin Parrish and a story by Kreisberg.