Taylor Swift Released From Mueller’s Case


It’s been a long week, Swifties but all long weeks must come to an end. In our case, it ends with a victory. On Friday, August 11, the judge came to a decision and ultimately sided with Taylor Swift in a portion of a lawsuit between her and radio  DJ David Mueller.

Mueller sued Swift after he was fired from KYGO, a Denver radio station after Swift filed a complaint that he had groped her during a meet and greet back in 2013. While Mueller sued Swift for $3M, the pop star counter sued for only $1.

Friday evening, Judge William Martinez ruled that Swift was not held responsible since Mueller did not show the evidence that she deliberately set out to have him fired after the incident. Not only that but Meuller had other setbacks during the ruling. Another judge threw out Meuller’s claim of slander in June of 2017 and in July sanctioned by the court for destroying a two-hour recording he secretly recorded during an interview with his boss before being fired.

If you don’t understand all of it, that’s okay. Here’s what this ruling means for Swift:

What a victory Swift’s team had today. In fact, it wasn’t just a victory for Swift, it was a victory for every man and woman who has been sexually assaulted. We are so proud of Swift for standing up and stayng strong during this entire trial. She deserves a standing ovation and a round of applause.

Swift’s countersuit to Mueller still stands and will be decided on Monday by the jury. Mueller is also suing Swifts mother, Andrea Swift and radio rep. Frank Bell. The portion of the lawsuit directed toward the two will go forward as well and be decided by a jury.