Harry Potter and the important figures in his life that shaped him


There were quite a lot of important figures in Harry Potter’s life and we’re looking at the biggest three and what they mean.

Harry Potter may have had a terrible upbringing but he had no shortage of role models in his life once he got older. And that’s nothing to do with Harry seeking them out. In fact, most came to him in unexpected ways. So we’re looking at three of the most important men in his life (in my opinion).

Starting off, we’re going to look at Albus Dumbledore. Now, here’s the thing, Dumbledore wasn’t great. He often left Harry alone when he needed someone most and he messed up and it resulted in his own death. All of this would probably steer many away from including him.

But Dumbledore did believe in Harry when no one else would and that’s what makes him important. He was always there supporting him and he didn’t second guess Harry (despite what the movies try to show).

Next is Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black. While only in his life for a short while, he still made an impact on his life. He was the father figure he always deserved to have and Harry was the son Sirius never got the chance to have.

The two needed each other and it, in turn, made for a wonderful relationship between them.

The third, of course, is Hagrid. He was the one who brought Harry as a baby and he’s the one who made sure Harry got to Hogwarts. He was his guidance and his friend. It’s just a lovely relationship to watch play out because it was never about their status. They were just friends who looked out for each other.

Next: Why July 31st is important: Happy birthday, Harry Potter

Who do you think is most important in Harry’s life? Sound off in the comments below!