Alan Rickman was a stand up guy and we’re still learning about it all!

We all love Alan Rickman still to this day and stories of how amazing he was continue to surface. Especially this one about his time with Jay.

The loss of Alan Rickman is one that fans of the series are still feeling. He was an incredible part of the Harry Potter franchise and we miss him dearly. And it’s incredible that we’re still getting amazing stories about Alan coming out.

Especially this one with the Huffington Post. Apparently during the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Rickman made sure a little Potter fan’s dream came true. It was stated that many times kids who were battling serious diseases who were fans of the Harry Potter series got to come on set.

There they would let the kids get to explore the set and meet the cast. Jay, a boy who was there because of his love of Potter, had a bigger dream. He wanted to be in the movie. Paula DuPré Pesmen was a producer on the film and talked about the memory.

"Alan looked at me, and he kind of went into his Snape-mode in costume, and said, ‘Why isn’t this child in the film?’ Everyone had a good laugh, and Alan took him by the hand and put him into the crowd of kids as they were panning across. The back of him is actually in a shot."

Pesmen went on to talk about how she denied the child a role in the film, something she really couldn’t swing, but Alan went out of his way to make sure it happened for Jay.

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We learned later that the scene never made it to film but it still puts a warm spot in our heart for Alan and his dedication.