Want to be a part of the magic? For Fantastic Beasts 2, you can audition to play teenage versions of your favorite wizards and join the Harry Potter cast!
Remember when Evanna Lynch was simply a fan, and heard about an open casting call for Luna Lovegood? Evanna learned about Luna’s casting call while on the fan site, Mugglenet. The Fantastic Beasts people are casting main characters and looking for just regular people with or without acting experience. You can audition for the teenage versions of Leta Lestrange, Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindewald, and a new character named Sebastian! The essential details are provided below.
If you need any encouragement, Dan Fogler, aka Jacob Kowalski, wants you to audition:
I know a lot of folks who want to be part of the wizarding world, well here's your chance! https://t.co/952BWO6Eoe
— Dan Fogler (@mrdanfogler) June 6, 2017
Go to Pottermore to find out all the details, but here are the essentials:
1. Hopefuls need to be 13 – 18 years old, as these are all teenage versions of the people we love (or not).
2. From Pottermore: “casting.prod@wb.uc-ns.com with a recent colour photograph, (i.e., taken within the last two months), contact telephone number, your home address and date of birth. Anyone under 18 must ask a parent or guardian to send the application.”
3. If you are not from the UK/Ireland/EU country, you need to have a passport for these places, and be available to work August-November 2017. If you don’t have one, look into it right now to see if you can get one before the application deadline, June 20, 2017, midnight GMT. The passport process in the US, for example, can be slow, but may be faster now due to digital processes.
4. The application deadline is June 20, 2017, midnight GMT. If you qualify for all the above things, and they will consider you, you’ll get a response within 14 days.
Next: Sirius Black is my favorite character and I just want to talk about him
Good luck everybody!! Go to Pottermore’s open casting call announcement to find out more! I hope you enjoy the experience, no matter what happens, and congratulations in advance if you get a part!