Edvard Munch and Chumbawumba help Stephen Colbert finish his monologue

As part of last night’s opening segment, Stephen Colbert played a clip from a rather old music video, reworked a kids’ book, and had classic art, too.

Although The Late Show with Stephen Colbert‘s official YouTube page has uploaded three videos that comprise the opening segment from last night, we’re taking a look at the final few minutes, just for the sheer number of references Colbert managed to pack in.

Focusing not on the Congressional Budget Office’s report on the American Health Care Act or the Montana special election, Colbert instead closed things out by bringing up some of the latest developments in the ongoing Russia saga.

Here’s the clip:

Let’s start with the references, then get to the sources. The music video he plays is part of Chumbawumba’s “Tubthumping,” which, according to its YouTube description, originally dropped in 1997. No, we don’t know what the title has to do with the lyrics, either. At the end, the children’s book referred to is The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and Puffin Books has video of its author, Eric Carle, reading it aloud.

And then we get to The Scream, which is an Edvard Munch painting. Although we think it could have been funnier if the show’s team had done more than just insert Reince Preibus’ face over the face of the subject of the painting, the basic idea works. Besides, the team may not have had that much time.

Finally, Colbert primarily refers to The Daily Beast’s work for this section of his opener. However, he does also cite a CNN piece from February as a supplement. Finally, as he mentions, James Comey will testify to Congress. According to CNBC, it’ll likely take place after next week Monday, though it does not appear that a date has been actually set yet.

Next: Stephen Colbert's math problem

The Late Show will air its last episode for the week tonight at 11:30 p.m. ET.