At long last, The Flash has revealed Savitar’s true identity. What’s next? Here’s the information you need to watch this week’s episode.
Praise the speed force! After weeks of rather tiresome build-up, The Flash finally unveiled the man inside the armor. Savitar is… drum-roll, please… future Barry Allen?
If you’re confused, don’t worry; you’re not alone. The Flash has gone out of its way on numerous occasions to explain how its version of time travel and alternate universes works, yet it somehow never seems to make more sense. It doesn’t help that Barry frequently disregards the rules that, if broken, supposedly have disastrous consequences. The Legends of Tomorrow would be appalled if they weren’t busy breaking the rules themselves.
So, why does Barry turn evil? And why would Caitlin-as-Killer Frost trust Evil Barry? Maybe we will get answers to at least one of those questions (i.e. the first one) this week.
Here’s the official synopsis for “Cause and Effect”, via ScreenRant:
"DRASTIC TIMES CALL FOR DRASTIC MEASURES – Barry (Grant Gustin) takes drastic measures to stop Savitar. Meanwhile, H.R. (Tom Cavanagh) continues to push Tracy Brand (guest star Anne Dudek) to design the trap for Savitar and Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) returns with an interesting proposal."
Barry taking drastic measures always gives us cause for concern. Perhaps this time it will at least involve Iris doing something? You know, because her life is actually in danger? Given that she’s not mentioned in the synopsis, we aren’t getting our hopes up. But miracles can happen.
We are excited to see more of Tracy Brand, who brought some much-needed pep to last week’s episode, even if the show’s insistence on pairing her with H.R. felt forced. They’re fun together, but maybe slow down a little.
The live stream information is below:
Date: Tuesday, May 9
Start time: 8 p.m. EST
Episode: “Cause and Effect”
TV Channel: The CW
Live Stream: Stream 1 | Stream 2
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