Stephen Colbert takes extra time to talk Trump

Stephen Colbert had great material to fill up a monologue. But he missed something, so he took a few minutes more just to make sure he had it all.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert once again effectively let its host unleash a series of puns, incredulous looks, and a few saltier words than one might expect for a late night television show. But this time, Colbert, in a nearly twelve-and-a-half minute monologue, seemed so caught up in his anger that he had to tack on an extra three minutes (in a separate video for YouTube).

Let’s start with the larger of the two. (Warning: contains some not safe for work language, including one censored word, though you can probably guess what it is.)

Reuters has published what it calls highlights of its own interview with Donald Trump. Although Colbert does include clips from Trump’s interview with Face the Nation‘s John Dickerson, here’s the full transcript. Getting through it may be a challenge, especially as the crosstalk grows more and more common. (And yes, Trump’s Deface the Nation comment is in there.)

Can you blame Colbert for getting angry, though? Per his official CBS profile, John Dickerson has been reporting in D.C. for over 20 years. But, of course, Colbert said what Dickerson effectively couldn’t with a string of pun-based insults that drew huge reactions from the crowd.

Things didn’t stop there, though. After all, Colbert forgot the other comments that had plenty of people confused:

The Washington Post called Trump’s Civil War commentary “totally bizarre” in a headline from The Fix. NPR actually spoke with one of its own hosts who’s written a book about Andrew Jackson to try and explain it, or at least contextualize a little.

Next: Not the White House Correspondents Dinner: Highlights

Colbert, meanwhile, pulled out the animated ghost of Abraham Lincoln, which makes things a little funnier, at least.