Seth Meyers vs Stephen Colbert: The Sweden Incident and the Press

With the state of our country, Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert are taking on Trump in the best ways. Especially on Presidents day.

Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert are at it again. The two veered off track from covering the same story a little bit last night but they are both still the two taking on the President straight on.

Seth talked about the catastrophe that is Trump’s administration and even made a joke about how even a plane ride gives us anxiety about what we’re missing during the flight. For instance, Rex Tillerson missed information from the President on a plane ride.

He also took on social media versus Trump and showed tweets from Jake Tapper and even talked about how white each Trump picture seems to be. But that wasn’t all Seth took on. He took on Donald Trump’s attack on the media and his comments on Sweden and the rally as a whole.

“That’s how bad things have gotten under Trump. We’re getting roasted by Swedes now.”

And then Stephen Colbert focused more on just the press and Trump’s attack. He went through all the same things that Seth covered but just in his Stephen way. “Hope over the fence” Trump yelled at his rally and of course everyone made jokes about it. Because, you know, Trump’s whole deal is about a stupid wall he’s trying to build.

Again with the two of them, it really is about your preference. They’re both amazing and doing everything they can to give us news in this crazy time.

Related Story: Stephen Colbert vs Seth Meyers: The Turmoil in the Trump Administration

So do what you have to do. Watch Seth, watch Colbert. Just appreciate these two men and what they’re doing for news and political humor!