How well do you know the lessons Harry Potter and his friends learned at Hogwarts? Pottermore put together an extensive quiz.
Exactly how many Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers did Harry Potter having over the course of the J.K. Rowling’s seven original novels? How many? Are you sure? We need an answer. Okay? Wrong.
Or maybe you were right. There’s a lot of detail about Hogwarts and the people who run it in the series, and it takes an accomplished Potterhead to keep it all in there at the same time. Pottermore has set out to challenge fans with a quiz testing their knowledge of the Hogwarts professors and what they teach. Head here to take it.
Embarrassing as it is, I have to admit that I only 16 out of the 24 questions right. That landed me in the 60-69% group. It earned me a grade of “Exceeds Expectations,” which is nice, but I was hoping to do better. That note is mocking me.
But in defense, some of those questions are really hard. For example:
Q: “Which page did Snape instruct the third-year students to turn to when covering Lupin’s lesson, to read up on werewolves?”
I think I got that one right, but only because Alan Rickman made such a show of saying “Turn to page 394” in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
The way he says it, I was bound to remember. Other questions were harder. For instance:
Q: “Which word does Hermione think she’s mistranslated as ‘defence’ in her Ancient Runes exam?”
I ‘unno. Who can remember every single time Hermione was stressed about schoolwork? That’s her main setting!
Next: Emma Watson describes Beauty and the Beast
Anyway, the test is available on Pottermore. Tell us how you did! We’ll never get better if we’re not quizzed on this stuff.