Kylie Minogue vs Kylie Jenner: Who is the Supreme Kylie? (Surprise it’s Minogue)

Kylie Jenner tried to trademark the name Kylie that Australian singer Kyle Minogue has been using for years. Minogue turned that down instantly.

According to Gay Times, Kylie Minogue has defeated Kylie Jenner in a court case over trademarking the name Kylie in the United States. While this sounds absolutely insane, the best part of the entire case were Minogue’s reasonings behind why Jenner should have get the trademark.

Many would have thought it’d be simply because Kylie Minogue has had a longer career than Jenner. But that wasn’t even one of the main reasons given by Minogue. Kylie called Jenner a “secondary reality personality” and said that the reality star had “photographic exhibitionism” on social media.

Minogue also brought up the fact that Jenner as sparked anger in the African-American community and from Disability Rights activists. Minogue is an international pop-star who has gone by the name “Kylie” for quite some time.

From her music career to her acting credit, Minogue is known world wide. Remember the Green Fairy from Moulin Rogue that we all love so well? That’s Kylie Minogue! And that was just the smallest part she’s ever played. She was also featured in the Christmas special of Doctor Who when the Doctor boards the space Titanic.

But we have to fear not. For Kylie Jenner lost the case against Minogue and now Kylie will forever remain a Kylie Minogue connection. And she was right, by giving that trademark to Jenner, her name would also be tied to the Kardashian legacy. And that’s not something I think Minogue wants.

Her lawyers described Minogue as “internationally-renowned performing artist, humanitarian and breast cancer activist known worldwide simply as ‘Kylie’”. And that is just the beginning of why we love her.

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So good for you Kylie!