It seems this take down that Seth Meyers is attempting is far from over with another A Closer Look on Trump and his comment on Frederick Douglass.
The President and Sean Spicer don’t know who Frederick Douglass is and Seth Meyers isn’t letting anyone forget it. What’s crazy about this “A Closer Look” is that it is literally just the news. This is what happened this week and it is all bonkers.
From Spicer saying the “ban” isn’t a ban (even though Trump, Kellyanne Conway, and Spicer all called it such) to this Frederick Douglass thing, that is all just the tip of the iceberg.
“How anti-social do you have to be to not get along with f****** Australia?” Seth asked when referring to the conversation that Trump had with Australia’s Prime Minister. Australia, a country known for being friendly and relaxed and filled with calm people and Trump got in a fight with their leader.
What kind of man gets into a fight with even the calmest of nations? Well, actually, it isn’t that surprising. He wouldn’t know what ‘chill’ was if it punched him in the face.
Seth basically just explains the news and that’s what is even crazier. He goes on little tangents but he mainly just reports what happened. Our country is so upside down that even the regular news is something an insane writer would put into his dystopian novel.
Related Story: Seth Meyers vs Donald Trump: False Claims and the Executive Orders
Seth is doing an incredible job of keeping us all informed while also calling out the insanity of what is going on in our country. He’s slowly making himself known in the Late Night Host community and it is just incredible to watch him hit his stride. Keep it up Seth!