Photo by: David Giesbrecht/NBC
Some of the most WTF stuff happens on our favorite doctor and lawyer shows, and here’s some of the strangest cases on television.
Call it human nature, morbid curiosity, or just good ol’ fashioned schadenfreude, but we love to watch weird and icky stuff. You know, the strangest cases out there. It’s not the most attractive of all the human qualities, but TV producers know what audiences like, and they can use the medical and legal fields to appeal to our more baser instincts. When this kind of stuff is happening to fictional characters (that we don’t really care about) its a safe place to let our inner-jerks come out a little.
Thank goodness we have all these doctor and lawyer shows to bring us the strangest cases of sickness, misfortune, and bad behavior in a safely fictional space. In TV land, we don’t have to feel guilty about loving every second of all this nonsense. It’s a good distraction from the actual atrocities happening across the country and world right now.
From Grey’s Anatomy to Ally McBeal to House, we’ve gathered up some of the most outlandish, bizarre, and hard to believe cases. You are guaranteed to get a little grossed out at times, a little appalled at others, and find yourself giggling at your own absurdity, but you’re sure to get a kick out of this list. It’s human nature.