The Best and The Most Brash of the Miss Universe Pageant Country Costumes

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(TED ALJIBE/AFP/Getty Images)

We run down the best, worst, most brash and wildest costumes worn by the Miss Universe Pageant contestants to represent their home countries.

In a stroke of irony that would amaze even the most cynical among us, this weekend was the finals of the Miss Universe 2016 pageant. Once a part of the Trump brand of patriarchal sexist tropes, Miss Universe (and Miss USA) were the only major holdings he was forced to sell during his campaign for president–not because of conflict of interest, but due to his own racist campaign.

While he sat around this weekend signing executive orders forbidding legal green card holders from entering this country, FOX was preparing to broadcast this celebration of the “one world, one people” ideal. In the end, France was declared the winner. And while people tune in still for the evening gowns and the bathing suit (err, “fitness”)  portions of the competition, it seems the most fitting that we focus on the portion of the competition that celebrates the countries these women represent: The Country Costume Competition.

From North America to countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania, we have a virtual smorgasbord of celebrations of the cultures that each of these women hail from, presented in some of the most over the top ways they can think of. Glitter, feathers, fur, sequins, frills and furbelows–all are welcome in the crazy outfits representing the 86 countries who competed on Sunday for the title. Let’s dive in.