Full Frontal With Samantha Bee Tackles Latest Political “Leak”

“A spoonful of hooker pee makes the treason claims go down.” Yup, Full Frontal With Samantha Bee is here again and it’s not holding anything back.

Full Frontal with Samantha Bee returned on TBS last night and she tackled #GoldenShowerGate. “Last night in Chicago, we watched President Obama give an emotional farewell address. Oh boy, here come the waterworks,” she kick off the show. “And, you know, speaking of waterworks…” She calls what just happened “comedy Christmas.”

Check out the full clip here:

There’s a high probability that this story is bullshit, but the fact that it’s plausible bullshit is a terrifying statement about what our nation has come to.” She makes a good point. I’m certainly not one to put my entire faith into news that comes out of Buzzfeed, but I guess this is what we’ve come to for comedic relief now.

But we absolutely believe that Donald Trump is petty enough to hire someone to take a whiz in any bed his predecessor has slept in,” Bee explains. “In fact, if we believe doing something nasty and petty is what gets Trump hard then his late-night tweets about Alec Baldwin make a lot more sense.

Of course, she explains that in order to believe this “news,” you’d first have to believe that Trump is fixated on women and their bladders. To which he’s outrightly labeled Hillary Clinton’s use of the bathroom during a debate as “disgusting.”

Ohh, who else missed Sam Bee on our TV every Wednesday night? “After all, as the old Disney song goes, a spoonful of hooker urine helps the treason claims go down.” I sure did!

Next: Kellyanne Conway Interviewed By Seth Meyers Last Night

You can catch her every night on Wednesday at 10:30 on TBS. Will their be another political leak for her to talk about next time? We can assume so…