The Harry Potter generation is a special group of people who grew up with the series but we are also some of the smartest people out there.
Harry Potter fans have many different age groups and backgrounds. But the generation that grew up with the novels are separated into the Harry Potter generation. (This is my opinion and if it is wrong my apologies. I’ve just always seen it that way.)
So lucky for me, I was the right age to start reading them at the age of 8 and continue until the final movie came out while I was in college. Even luckier for me? I got to meet Helena Bonham Carter randomly on the street and she said something to me about the Harry Potter generation that really stuck with me.
“That’s a great generation. Some of the smartest people out there because of those books.”
It was a fleeting moment but I’ve thought about it ever since. She’s right. Our generation, that grew up reading of Harry and his friends, truly are some of the most educated people out there. We lost ourselves in books and analyzed every aspect of it.
And maybe that’s a general statement but it is pretty true. We are mostly compassionate and understanding and we don’t let our views be silenced, must like Harry, Ron and Hermione. So Helena Bonham Carter really hit the nail on the head. We are an intelligent group of fans and that is entirely because of the woman who wrote our beloved series.
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The entire series makes us better people and that is solely because of J.K Rowling’s work. She taught us all about compassion and doing what is right and we owe her a lot. So thank you Jo.