The Top Romances of 2016 You Should Not Miss

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Image via Kit Rocha

Beyond Surrender by Kit Rocha

This is the final book in a multi-novel and -novella post-apocalyptic romance series, and it does not disappoint! Meticulous world building, masterful characterization, and heart-stopping suspense all make Beyond Surrender one of the best books of the year, period.

Over the course of the Beyond series (all previous books available in this glommable box-set), readers have come to know and love the O’Kanes, a gang that runs sector four. Four is one of the downtrodden sectors that surround Eden, the high-tech seat of power in this post-apocalyptic landscape. It’s a world of violence and orgies (the most romantic, emotional orgies ever), and also devoted friendships, kick-ass women, and the underlying truth that it’s fierce love that holds everything together, not fear or compulsion. In this last book, the conflict between the sectors and Eden finally turns into full-out war.

Rocha creates a compelling love-in-the-midst-of-madness romance between Ryder, a man raised to be the figurehead of the revolution, and Nessa, the young heart of the liquor dynasty that helped the O’Kanes gain and keep their power.

This book is amazing on many levels, but in the wake of the US election, it provided several emotional wallops, and I recommend it as a restorative read. (Available Dec. 13)

Next: 20 Bad Books To Give To Young Kids

Alyssa Cole is an award-winning sci-fi, historical, and contemporary romance author. When she’s not busy writing, traveling, and learning French, she can be found watching anime with her real-life romance hero, tending to her herd of animals, and finding ways to get around her Twitter-blocking app. Find her on Twitter or Facebook, and learn more about her work at her website.