30 Reasons Why Jon Snow Deserves The Iron Throne

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21. He is the Only Contender Who is Actually a Leader

Most the contenders for the throne are not naturally born leaders. They were thrust into the race to the crown and they’re all learning along the way how to lead. Daenerys had not led before she took over the Dothraki army and began her journey.

Jon has leadership experience and is one of the only ones who knows how to actually lead and would use his skills to help him rule. On the Night’s Watch, he learned how to lead a group of men. He is the second oldest in his family, leading his siblings by example.

The problem with Joffrey and Robert was their lack of leadership abilities. If you are meant to lead all of Westeros, you have to know what you are doing. And Jon does. He would know how to lead the land and he wouldn’t run it into the ground.

Westeros deserves to have someone like Jon Snow on the throne. Someone who knows about all the threats coming towards them and who has lead before. They truly need someone who knows what they are doing, not whatever family feels like they deserve to rule more than another. The family battles are nothing compared to who really needs to take over.