31 TV Characters Trumps America Needs Right Now

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Image via ABC

It’s 2016 and we just elected a man stuck in the 1900’s as our president. So, I present to you 31 TV characters Trumps America desperately need right now.

In the early morning hours of Wednesday, November 9, Donald Trump was named the 45th President-Elect of the United States of America. *cringe* I’m not going to bore you with the details of why and how this is so devastating to so many. If you’re reading this, if you clicked on an article titled “31 TV Characters Trumps America Needs Right Now,” then you’re probably already well aware of what’s at stake these next few years. The diversity, the culture, the things that make each one of us different; they’re all being questioned.

So now, more than ever, we need diversity to take over our screens, reaching an audience far beyond our understanding. Will it change governmental polities? Probably not. Will it stop Trump from not knowing when to keep his mouth shut? Definitely not. But it will do something.

It will normalize the fact that this is America- two women being married to one another and raising children, a Muslim joining the FBI and wanting to protect her country she grew up in, girls fighting against campus sexual assault, a woman running an empire, a transgender female living without judgment, a gay man never needing to explain or reveal or feel ashamed of his sexuality. This is America. This is our America. It’s filled with people who are queer, who are of color, who believe in a different religion. It’s filled with diversity, and the more that’s on television, the more people will get used to it.

Currently, the main character of most TV shows is a straight, white male. Well, I say that’s boring, old news. So, I’m bringing you the TV shows that are getting it right, and the 31 characters we desperately need to remind us that we belong here.

Because we’re not going anywhere.