23 National Nightmares We’ve Already Overcome

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Courtesy: Warner Bros. Pictures

#2: Harry Potter and the Deathly Deaths

Another one that’s technically an international debacle, but wowie wow wow do we know how to band together as a human species when it comes to dealing with the deaths of our fictional friends. Maybe that’s giving us too much credit: as the title promises, the deaths we’ve endured were absolute ugly-sob worthy NIGHTMARES. I’m hesitant to even name any names because a country in as delicate a state as ours right now doesn’t need to be reminded of our darkest moments. (Even though happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light I’M SORRY I DON’T KNOW WHY I’M DOING THIS). But these deaths, especially those occurring amidst the horror of the Battle of Hogwarts, have been, even years later, truly impossible to get over.

Reading a series that’s spanned your entire childhood and ends just as you’re reaching your late teens can sometimes feels as real as experiencing another life. Just as when we get super invested in a TV show, we start to view these characters and their trials and tribulations as our own. We knew what it was like for Harry to lose Dumbledore. We felt what he felt when he entered the woods to find his parents, Sirius, Tonks and Lupin before his final showdown with Voldemort. We felt like we were there through it all, because we were. We dedicated years to those books, and subsequently felt just as gutted as the characters when people we loved started dropping like flies. But, you know what? If Harry got through book 7, and Ron could end up with Hermione, we can do literally anything. We gonna be okay, fam. Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right AGAIN I AM SO SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT.