The Feminist Gift Guide: For Every Feminist on Your List!

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Image via Micah Bazant

Marsha P. Johnson Poster

For: The LGBT+ feminist

Price: $15.00

Feminism is important for all women, but in the mainstream it is largely reserved for white, straight, cisgender women. Women who identify as LGBT+ are marginalized even further, and their queer experiences inform their experience of womanhood in many ways.

The artist of this amazing work, Micah Bizant, understands the intersections between queerness, gender identity, and feminism. As a person who identifies as trans and gender-nonconforming, they seek to enact social change through their artwork. Among the art available in Bizant’s store are pieces that support refugees, protest the Dakota Access Pipeline, and celebrate the lives of trans individuals.

This poster of Marsha P. Johnson commemorates one of the fiercest fighters for queer and trans human rights. She was a black drag queen whose activism inspired countless others, from the streets of New York to the Stonewall Riots. While only a footnote in the recent whitewashed movie Stonewall, in real life Johnson was instrumental in the Gay Liberation Front.

This beautiful poster is emblazoned with the words, “No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” It’s a powerful mantra when applied to the LGBT community, but also to feminism. It can be exhausting for LGBT+ feminists to try to navigate a movement that prioritizes their straight friends. So receiving this poster will be a great reminder that the movements are intertwined.

She’ll Love It If: she volunteers time at a trans youth shelter; confronts your teachers or professors about queer history; loved the copy of Fun Home you got her last year; boycotted the 2015 movie Stonewall for its erasing of trans people, lesbians, and people of color.

Buy It Here: MicahBazant