21 Best Movie and Television US Presidents We Wish Were On the Ballot

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16. Presidents Russell Kramer and Matt Douglas (My Fellow Americans)

Ex-Presidents Kramer and Douglas could not be more different. One is a Republican and the other is a Democrat. One is a family man while the other is an unabashed Bachelor. What they do have in common is their love of the country and dedication to the truth. They are obligated to join forces when a plot to assassinate them goes awry.
While on the run from the people who are trying to kill them they trek across the country. They come across constituents who have been affected by their past administrations. They understand the some of the legislation they pushed for hurt the very people whom they wanted to help. With this new view of the real world, they have a real sense of what needs to be fixed. Who ever said older people could not adapt to change never met these two men.
You might think the former presidents couldn’t run again, but the both only served one term. A Kramer and Douglas ticket is something this country could get behind. Now the only question is who is going to be President and Vice President.