10 Best Moments from Hamilton’s America

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Image via Joan Marcus

Hamilton’s America takes a look inside the making of the incredibly successful Broadway musical Hamilton. Here we count down our top 10 favorite moments.

Nothing like the Broadway musical Hamilton has been seen before and probably nothing like it will be seen again (at least in this lifetime). Who knew America would be so thirsty for a story about the guy on the $10 bill? The play is massively popular and almost universally praised. The show has expanded from New York to Chicago, which had its opening night this week. London and Los Angeles to follow are getting their own productions as well.

Hamilton’s America is a documentary that looks inside the creation of this incredibly successful play as well as the history surrounding it and the impact it has made. Even if you’re not a fan of the musical (LOL) or don’t know about it yet because you live under a rock, this documentary is extremely enjoyable. It has enough recapping that the newbies won’t get lost and enough new information to teach something to even the most hardcore Hamilfan. It is inspiring, touching, and most of all features actual scenes from the stage production of the play which is half the reason people are watching anyway.

Here we count down our top 10 favorite moments from Hamilton’s America and no seeing Lin’s long hair again isn’t one of them, but now I feel like it should be.