You Win Or You Die: Ranking the 99 Game of Thrones Deaths

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Image credit: HBO/Helen Sloan

Razdal mo Eraz and Belicho Paenymion

Generally, when you get on Daenerys Targaryen’s bad side, you end up on the other side of the astral plane, too. The Mother of Many Titles doesn’t take kindly to her opposition. If you’re not with her, you’re against her. If that’s the case, you can bid adieu to your dreams of constructing the world’s first flame-retardant suit, because she’s already sicced her dragons on you.

Razdal mo Eraz and Belicho Paenymion had more time than others to come around to Daenerys’ way of things. But, like her, they weren’t wont to compromise. Razdal attempts to win Daenerys’ favor with gold and ships upon their first meeting in Season 3. However, this would have entailed that she leave Yunkai untouched, and it isn’t her intention to leave the place without first abolishing slavery.

That dashes the tentative friendly fire between Razdal and Daenerys, and Belicho Paenymion ends up on the opposing side, too. So the pair had to be eliminated. In Season 6, Grey Worm cuts their throats in one fluid motion. Fitting that a former slave is the one to take down these slave masters.

Razdal and Belicho challenged Daenerys’ upheaval of their way of life. Neither party is entirely in the right here. Lack of compromise and basic human decency prevent both sides from succeeding in what could have been a beneficial alliance. Instead, they are enemies to the death. Daenerys certainly wasn’t going to bite it courtesy of these guys, so they were the obvious choice. No matter how on-point their eyeliner, Razdal and Belicho just didn’t have what it takes to defeat the Queen of Basically Everything. (Not quite accurate, but it takes a lot less time to say.)