13 unforgettable heroines from Christmas horror movies

Who are the fightingest, survivingest woman and girls in all of Christmas horror? Find out as we compile our favorites and give you our top 13.

On the set of The Nightmare Before Christmas
On the set of The Nightmare Before Christmas | Sunset Boulevard/GettyImages
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Jena: Santa Jaws (2018)

Santa Jaws is not a great movie, which you might have guessed from the title. For the sort of film it is—a silly, bloody romp with fun characters and a delightfully unbelievable premise: a magic pencil that lets what you draw come to life—it’s delightful. Jena is the love interest of the main character and in many ways she’s the heart of the film. Sitting in a room full of relatives you have nothing in common with? This movie will make all of you laugh.

Wednesday: The Addams Family Movie (1991)

I concede to having a bias in favor of this character and this franchise for reasons I imagine are obvious. In the first Addams Family movie, it’s Wednesday who suspects—then discovers—that Dr. Pintershlauss and her son are not what they’re pretending to be. Don’t think this is a Christmas movie? Then you’ve forgotten the carolers who get scalded with boiling oil.