50 celebrity men my mother suggests we should be into

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Photo courtesy of Rachel Leishman

My mother is an exceptional woman with great taste in celebrity men. So here is a list of actors she thinks we should all love and why.

My mother is one of those people who tells me to stop loving celebrities and to love real men. But that didn’t stop me from asking her to give me a list of all her famous men that she would say we should all be into. As expected, her list is absolutely insane.

Not because my mother is crazy but because she loves actors just as much, if not more, than I do. And that’s saying something. So she went through all her celebrity crushes (and you can definitely see when she hit one television show and just picked all her favorites).

And while this list shows that my mom has pretty great taste, it also shows us that we should definitely listen to her in her taste in men. All of these men (with the exception of Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood) are pretty awesome. But of course, my mom is a little older so she has some classic men thrown into the mix.

From Dirty Harry to the entire cast of most television shows women in their sixties watch, these are the 50 men that my mother would suggest that we all love. And I always trust my mommy.