40 Celebrities We Need To Keep Safe From 2016

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The 2016 Wheel of Death Is Coming For Us All (Photo by: Education Images/UIG via Getty Images)

This has been a deadly year for celebrities as 2016 kills and kills again. Here, we list 40 celebrities we desperately need to keep safe.

David Bowie. Alan Rickman. Glenn Frey. Prince. Christina Grimmie.  Gene Wilder. Patty Duke. Gary Shandling. Muhammed Ali. Anton Yelchin. George Martin. (No, not that one, the other one.)

This is just a smattering of the major stars we’ve lost this year. There are watershed years where those who have been around for generations all start dying off at once, leading those other deaths that happen in that year to take on extra significance, and 2016 is one of those years. When it was announced that Gene Wilder passed last week, it was like something finally snapped here at Culturess. No, we said. We cannot keep losing our beloved icons like this. No 2016, you may not have one more.

And so we sat down and made a plan. We’ve made a list, and we’re going to make sure that the following 40 celebrities will not pass gently into this good night. Not this year anyway. We’ve got the bubble wrap and the vitamins and we’re going to do everything we can to keep the following celebrities safe from 2016 before it kills again.

Next: Maisie Williams